How “Gift a Class” Evolved

“Gift a Class” was established in 2009 as “The Serenity Angel Fund” to help people who were dropping their classes for the sole reason of finances – often at a time when they needed their Yoga the most. We started suggesting to our currently-enrolled students that they could donate a refund the studio owed them for a class that was canceled due to snow and that the money would be used to help classmates in need. Now our students can also request to waive any discount they receive and have it instead be applied to this fund (e.g., discounts for seniors, additional family members, military), or to apply any overpayments they inadvertently made to the Serenity Angel Fund rather than applying that overpayment to their own classes. People can also make a donation to this fund anytime by sending a check.

Donating refunds/credits is a simple and painless way to contribute to help a Yoga-mate in need. This fund is supported with small donations – they quickly add up, and soon there is enough to cover the cost of a session for a student in need.

To summarize, here are the ways you can make a donation to the Serenity Angel Fund:

  • Donate the refund or credit you are entitled to;
  • Donate any discount for which you qualify (e.g., senior discount, family discount,
    military) – you pay the full amount for your class or class pack, and the amount
    of the discount you could have received will instead be donated to the Serenity
    Angel Fund and used to help a student in need continue with classes;
  • Send in a check made out to Serenity Yoga Center with a note that it is a donation
    to the Serenity Angel Fund.

These donations are not tax deductible. All donations made are used solely to help other Serenity students.